
Configure logging, metrics, and error reporting for your Relay installation.

Relay produces logs to the standard error stream (stderr), with INFO logging level by default. For example, after starting Relay you may see output such as this:

INFO  relay::setup > launching relay from config folder .relay
INFO  relay::setup >   relay mode: managed
INFO  relay::setup >   relay id: cde0d72e-0c4e-4550-a934-c1867d8a177c
INFO  relay::setup >   log level: INFO

This example displays the messages with the default logging level (INFO), which you can modify so it displays either more or less information. For details about configuring logging please see the Logging section on the options page.

By default, Relay logs errors to the configured logger. You can enable error reporting to your project in Sentry in the Relay configuration file:

  enabled: true
  dsn: <your_dsn>

More information about available options and their meaning can be found on the options page.

Relay provides two URLs for checking system status:

  • GET /api/relay/healthcheck/live/: Tests if Relay is running and listening to HTTP requests.
  • GET /api/relay/healthcheck/ready/: Tests if Relay is authenticated with the upstream and operating normally.

Both endpoints return a 200 OK response when successful:

  "is_healthy": true

You can submit stats to a StatsD server by configuring the metrics.statsd key to an ip:port tuple.

  # Endpoint of your StatsD server
  # Prefix all metric names with this string
  prefix: mycompany.relay

The options for configuring metrics reporting are documented on the options page.

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