Update a Project's Symbol Source

PUT /api/0/projects/{organization_id_or_slug}/{project_id_or_slug}/symbol-sources/

Update a custom symbol source in a project.

Path Parameters

organization_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the organization the resource belongs to.

project_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the project the resource belongs to.

Query Parameters:

id (string)

The ID of the source to update.

Body Parameters

type (string)

The type of the source.

  • http - SymbolServer (HTTP)
  • gcs - Google Cloud Storage
  • s3 - Amazon S3
name (string)

The human-readable name of the source.

id (string)

The internal ID of the source. Must be distinct from all other source IDs and cannot start with 'sentry:'. If this is not provided, a new UUID will be generated.

layout (object)

Layout settings for the source. This is required for HTTP, GCS, and S3 sources.

type (string) - The layout of the folder structure. The options are:

  • native - Platform-Specific (SymStore / GDB / LLVM)
  • symstore - Microsoft SymStore
  • symstore_index2 - Microsoft SymStore (with index2.txt)
  • ssqp - Microsoft SSQP
  • unified - Unified Symbol Server Layout
  • debuginfod - debuginfod

casing (string) - The layout of the folder structure. The options are:

  • default - Default (mixed case)
  • uppercase - Uppercase
  • lowercase - Lowercase
    "layout": {
        "type": "native"
        "casing": "default"
url (string)

The source's URL. Optional for HTTP sources, invalid for all others.

username (string)

The user name for accessing the source. Optional for HTTP sources, invalid for all others.

password (string)

The password for accessing the source. Optional for HTTP sources, invalid for all others.

bucket (string)

The GCS or S3 bucket where the source resides. Required for GCS and S3 source, invalid for HTTP sources.

region (string)

The source's S3 region. Required for S3 sources, invalid for all others.

  • us-east-2 - US East (Ohio)
  • us-east-1 - US East (N. Virginia)
  • us-west-1 - US West (N. California)
  • us-west-2 - US West (Oregon)
  • ap-east-1 - Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
  • ap-south-1 - Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
  • ap-northeast-2 - Asia Pacific (Seoul)
  • ap-southeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • ap-southeast-2 - Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • ap-northeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • ca-central-1 - Canada (Central)
  • cn-north-1 - China (Beijing)
  • cn-northwest-1 - China (Ningxia)
  • eu-central-1 - EU (Frankfurt)
  • eu-west-1 - EU (Ireland)
  • eu-west-2 - EU (London)
  • eu-west-3 - EU (Paris)
  • eu-north-1 - EU (Stockholm)
  • sa-east-1 - South America (São Paulo)
  • us-gov-east-1 - AWS GovCloud (US-East)
  • us-gov-west-1 - AWS GovCloud (US)
access_key (string)

The AWS Access Key.Required for S3 sources, invalid for all others.

secret_key (string)

The AWS Secret Access Key.Required for S3 sources, invalid for all others.

prefix (string)

The GCS or S3 prefix. Optional for GCS and S3 sourcse, invalid for HTTP.

client_email (string)

The GCS email address for authentication. Required for GCS sources, invalid for all others.

private_key (string)

The GCS private key. Required for GCS sources, invalid for all others.


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • project:admin
  • project:write
curl https://sentry.io/api/0/projects/{organization_id_or_slug}/{project_id_or_slug}/symbol-sources/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
 -X PUT \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{}'
{ "id": "honk", "name": "honk source", "layout": { "type": "native" }, "type": "http", "url": "http://honk.beep", "username": "honkhonk", "password": { "hidden-secret": true } }
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