Retrieve an Organization Member

GET /api/0/organizations/{organization_id_or_slug}/members/{member_id}/

Retrieve an organization member's details.

Response will be a pending invite if it has been approved by organization owners or managers but is waiting to be accepted by the invitee.

Path Parameters

organization_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the organization the resource belongs to.

member_id (string)

The ID of the organization member.


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • member:admin
  • member:read
  • member:write
curl{organization_id_or_slug}/members/{member_id}/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'
{ "id": "57377908164", "email": "", "name": "Sir Penguin", "user": { "id": "280094367316", "name": "Sir Penguin", "username": "", "email": "", "avatarUrl": "", "isActive": true, "hasPasswordAuth": true, "isManaged": false, "dateJoined": "2021-07-06T21:13:58.375239Z", "lastLogin": "2021-08-02T18:25:00.051182Z", "has2fa": false, "lastActive": "2021-08-02T21:32:18.836829Z", "isSuperuser": false, "isStaff": false, "experiments": {}, "emails": [ { "id": "2153450836", "email": "", "is_verified": true } ], "avatar": { "avatarType": "letter_avatar", "avatarUuid": null }, "authenticators": [], "canReset2fa": true }, "role": "member", "orgRole": "member", "roleName": "Member", "pending": false, "expired": false, "flags": { "idp:provisioned": false, "idp:role-restricted": false, "sso:linked": false, "sso:invalid": false, "member-limit:restricted": false, "partnership:restricted": false }, "dateCreated": "2021-07-06T21:13:01.120263Z", "inviteStatus": "approved", "inviterName": "", "teams": [ "cool-team", "ancient-gabelers" ], "teamRoles": [ { "teamSlug": "ancient-gabelers", "role": "admin" }, { "teamSlug": "powerful-abolitionist", "role": "contributor" } ], "invite_link": null, "isOnlyOwner": false, "orgRoleList": [ { "id": "billing", "name": "Billing", "desc": "Can manage subscription and billing details.", "scopes": [ "org:billing" ], "allowed": true, "isAllowed": true, "isRetired": false, "is_global": false, "isGlobal": false, "isTeamRolesAllowed": false, "minimumTeamRole": "contributor" }, { "id": "member", "name": "Member", "desc": "Members can view and act on events, as well as view most other data within the organization.", "scopes": [ "team:read", "project:releases", "org:read", "event:read", "alerts:write", "member:read", "alerts:read", "event:admin", "project:read", "event:write" ], "allowed": true, "isAllowed": true, "isRetired": false, "is_global": false, "isGlobal": false, "isTeamRolesAllowed": true, "minimumTeamRole": "contributor" }, { "id": "admin", "name": "Admin", "desc": "Admin privileges on any teams of which they're a member. They can create new teams and projects, as well as remove teams and projects on which they already hold membership (or all teams, if open membership is enabled). Additionally, they can manage memberships of teams that they are members of. They cannot invite members to the organization.", "scopes": [ "team:admin", "org:integrations", "project:admin", "team:read", "project:releases", "org:read", "team:write", "event:read", "alerts:write", "member:read", "alerts:read", "event:admin", "project:read", "event:write", "project:write" ], "allowed": true, "isAllowed": true, "isRetired": true, "is_global": false, "isGlobal": false, "isTeamRolesAllowed": true, "minimumTeamRole": "admin" }, { "id": "manager", "name": "Manager", "desc": "Gains admin access on all teams as well as the ability to add and remove members.", "scopes": [ "team:admin", "org:integrations", "project:releases", "team:write", "member:read", "org:write", "project:write", "project:admin", "team:read", "org:read", "event:read", "member:write", "alerts:write", "alerts:read", "event:admin", "project:read", "event:write", "member:admin" ], "allowed": true, "isAllowed": true, "isRetired": false, "is_global": true, "isGlobal": true, "isTeamRolesAllowed": true, "minimumTeamRole": "admin" }, { "id": "owner", "name": "Owner", "desc": "Unrestricted access to the organization, its data, and its settings. Can add, modify, and delete projects and members, as well as make billing and plan changes.", "scopes": [ "team:admin", "org:integrations", "project:releases", "org:admin", "team:write", "member:read", "org:write", "project:write", "project:admin", "team:read", "org:read", "event:read", "member:write", "alerts:write", "org:billing", "alerts:read", "event:admin", "project:read", "event:write", "member:admin" ], "allowed": true, "isAllowed": true, "isRetired": false, "is_global": true, "isGlobal": true, "isTeamRolesAllowed": true, "minimumTeamRole": "admin" } ], "teamRoleList": [ { "id": "contributor", "name": "Contributor", "desc": "Contributors can view and act on events, as well as view most other data within the team's projects.", "scopes": [ "project:read", "project:releases", "member:read", "team:read", "event:read", "alerts:read", "event:write", "org:read" ], "allowed": false, "isAllowed": false, "isRetired": false, "isTeamRolesAllowed": true, "isMinimumRoleFor": null }, { "id": "admin", "name": "Team Admin", "desc": "Admin privileges on the team. They can create and remove projects, and can manage the team's memberships.", "scopes": [ "project:read", "project:releases", "member:read", "event:admin", "team:write", "project:admin", "team:read", "org:integrations", "alerts:write", "team:admin", "project:write", "event:read", "alerts:read", "event:write", "org:read" ], "allowed": false, "isAllowed": false, "isRetired": false, "isTeamRolesAllowed": true, "isMinimumRoleFor": "admin" } ] }
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